Appendix 1- Hourly Trigger Example

Examples for Payroll Hours and Weekly Hours (14 day pay period)

In our example, we will assume we want an overtime alert sent went an employee hits 35 hours in a week when a 14 day duration pay period is defined in the Payroll Options Setup Form in RM BackOffice. For our example we will have the pay period start on 4/25/14 and pay end is 05/08/14. The critical days in the pay period are detailed below:

The following defines the expected behavior for the two different alerts when the above criteria is used

Weekly Hours Alert

Day eight (first day in second week) will calculate against the same day of the week as the pay period start day (pay_start in config.dbf). In this scenario the alert will calculate from 05/02/14 to 05/02/14). On day eight, no weekly hours alert will be sent.

Payroll Hours Alert

The Payroll Hours alert calculates hours for the current payroll period, as determined in the Payroll Options Form in RM BackOffice module (pay_start and pay_end fields in config.dbf). On day eight, payroll hours alert should be send if the trigger value is the same (35).